Welcome to the Motivational Tutoring for Life website, and thank you for visiting!
I am Colleen Pine – your motivational coach and tutor for all grades through college and including adults who are continuing their education. My goal is to help you or your child reach the highest potential possible. Focus includes school curriculum, standardized testing, writing, and life skills in which you need added support to excel. I strive to restore the enthusiasm in learning that may have been lost along the way and work to create a study environment that empowers each student to experience success and well-being. Thank you for reaching out to me and inquiring about my unique tutoring style. Please take a moment to tell me a bit more about your child and yourself. You can be absolutely assured that all information is held strictly confidential. I value your trust as much as I value you. Questions and concerns are always based on a one-on-one practice with complete confidentiality. If you would like to introduce yourself, please click on the link below. I look so forward to connecting.
Let’s get motivated!
Click on the link below to be directly driven to a confidential Intake Form.
Motivational Tutoring for Life Intake Form